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The Owlet Dream Sock and Cam: Are They Necessary?

Updated: Jul 18, 2023

Hello everyone! It's Karli from Rainy Mom Opinions and I'm here today to give you all the answers you're looking for when asking the number one question in your head, "Should I buy the Owlet Sock for my baby?"

You might also be asking, "Is it too late to buy the Owlet Sock for my baby?"

I have all the answers and more to help you decide if the Owlet Sock and Camera are right for you and your family.

Karli, you didn't say anything about a camera?

Ah, yes, I did sneak that part in there. If you have already looked into buying this sock, you may have noticed the option for buying the camera in a "duo" package. This is an important option to consider, but may not work for everyone.

Let's dig in and find out if you'll be making a big purchase at the end of this discussion or not.

What does the sock do?

Let's start off with the biggest fear we all have as parents to a new baby. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Unfortunately, I have been face to face with this truly horrific problem that more than 4,000 moms, dads, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and so many more deal with every single year.

Though it is a very difficult topic to discuss, there are ways to minimize the risks of this syndrome. Owlet has set out to do just that. I am so passionate about this product for the simple reason that I do not want anyone to feel the pain that I feel or fear the fears that haunt me day in and day out with my own baby.

Owlet has designed this tiny little sensor that sits inside a "sock" that fits perfectly on your baby's chunky foot. All night long, the sensor will track your baby's heartrate and oxygen levels and alert you if something is not normal. Sounds like a no brainer right? But before you stop reading and jump straight to your pocketbook, let me tell you a little more about this device and what it can do for you.

Are the sock and camera right for me?

If you are currently pregnant or know of someone who is, this sock is absolutely for you! While the ideal world would send a sock home from the hospital with each and every baby to ensure their well-being, I understand that this device is not free to everyone.

The sock itself comes in at $299 at most places and that is a big chunk of change. Me personally, I wouldn't be buying anything else before I bought this sock. Or, of course, put it on your baby registry! Your friends and family might need a little education on what it is and why it is important for you and your tiny.

So, what about this camera?

Screenshot of the camera on my phone to show quality.

Okay, now, the camera. This camera is a smart device and can tell you when baby is moving or when sound is detected. The gen 2 cam also has a cry detector. The camera has very wide angles and the magnetic base makes it possible to get the perfect position to view your baby. You can mount it to the wall, or it can sit on a nightstand/dresser. The picture of this camera is pretty incredible as well! You can see baby crystal clear and you can zoom in to watch them breathe... (is that just me who does this? Haha)

This all sounds pretty great! Are there any downsides?

I have a couple of dislikes when it came to this camera which ultimately led me to purchasing an additional camera. Now, they could have fixed some of these issues with the gen 2 camera, however, here's my cons.

Click HERE to view the Owlet sock and camera Duo

1. There is no handheld monitor.

Now, I understand this is just the way the world is going right now for technology. I could have had an ipad with only the baby monitor app up instead of putting it on my phone. However, I do not like that I can't do anything on my phone and have the app up at the same time. I like to watch my baby during her nap.

2. You have to completely close the app for it to work again.

If you do need to use your phone to do something else while the camera is up, when you go back onto the app you just get a spinning circle that will never load the camera. You must close the app and reopen it again for it to work. Could be your phone. Tried it on a different phone, still didn't work. Could be your internet. Perhaps, but my other camera apps work just fine. Could just be you. Maybe. Can't argue that. But, it bugged me enough to look into other cameras.

3. Picture would get "stuck."

This really could have been fixed with the gen 2. However, there would be times I would see my baby sleeping on the camera and hear her crying in the next room. Even so, I felt like I needed something different to get me by.

Of course, every family's needs are different. I personally believe that Owlet has knocked it out of the park with the sock and the camera needs some work. That's just me. Again, nothing is worth my baby's safety to me and the peace of mind and the reassurance that allows me to sleep at night is worth every penny. My mind always goes to the "what ifs" and I highly recommend this sock to anyone and everyone that's having a baby for that reason.

But, in case you still have questions, I have answered the most common FAQs from online shopping sites. These answers are from my personal experience with the sock or camera.

FAQs Answered

How responsive is the sock?

The readings are done in live time so the sock is extremely responsive. If the sock falls off or is taken off by baby(more likely), the base will search for the sock for about 15-30 seconds and then sing a chime alerting you that the sock is no longer receiving readings. So, you don't need to worry about sleeping and not being aware that the sock is no longer on baby's foot.

How do you have twins with socks?

Obviously, to have twins with socks you will need to purchase two socks. The app can handle more than one baby at a time, however. You can get different color socks so you know which sock goes to which baby. Both babies' readings can be seen from the first page of the app, then you can view individual baby readings and statuses.

Can my baby wear the sock with footie pajamas?

Yes! Of course! The sock sensor needs to be directly to baby's skin. Beyond that, the choice is yours! Your baby can wear socks, footie pajamas, both or nothing! When my little girl was a newborn, I would do socks under her footie pajamas since we live in Montana and the weather in March is typically worse than the weather in December. Now that she's older, I still make sure she wears socks or I put the dream sock on while she's sleeping so she doesn't immediately remove it(which she's great at.)

Does the sock alert you when O2 levels drop?

Now, this is a touchy subject. The short answer is yes. If there is something wrong with your baby or their vitals, you will be alerted. There was a shift for Owlet that resulted in the Smart Sock becoming the Dream Sock. The FDA wrote a warning letter, as stated on the company's website, that brought up concern for the sock being used as a medical device without the proper classification. Owlet is trying everything they can to get the live heartrate and oxygen levels established again for their sock.

Personally, this upsets me quite a bit. I might not understand the exact protocols and procedures of the FDA, but taking away a monitor that can literally save a baby's life is unacceptable. Owlet is playing nice and jumping through every hoop necessary to make sure every parent and baby has access to this technology. I am crossing my fingers and rooting them on every step of the way.

Wrap this cute foot up

I am sure there are so many more questions about this sock. I would love to answer any questions you might have. Drop me a comment below!

All in all, this is my number one baby product. Hands down. No question. The company has resources available to people who want a sock and can't afford one. If you think you might qualify, please look into this option! Their mission is for every baby and every parent to sleep soundly and safely.

Now you have this mom's opinion. Let's buy a really expensive sock!

*This post contains affiliate links, meaning I may make a small commission if you use a link to make a purchase at no additional cost to you. Thank you!

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