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7 Car Essentials for Baby and Toddlers

Alright Mama, sure we stay home a lot with the kids, but we do have to leave the house eventually! For our own sanity! But, honestly, leaving the house with babies or toddlers can cause us to go insane if not prepared, making us NOT want to leave again. That's why I have prepared for you a quick and easy list of things to make sure you have to keep the little ones happy while also giving you peace of mind.

Trust me, leaving the house with my two under two takes a lot, but I do it just about every day and they are both quite content during the ride. We don't usually go far, 15 minutes or so, but even the best of us can lose our minds within fifteen minutes of screaming children.

Also, hi! If this is your first time here, welcome and I'm Karli! I share my opinions on products you may need or want for your little one. I do all the research so you don't have to. I have three beautiful girls, one bio and two bonus. I love being a mom but boy can it get spendy! So follow along and purchase only the products that sound right for your family.

To start, we're gonna bring back the old boy scout's saying and as always, be prepared.

Be Prepared

Being prepared physically and mentally for outings is one sure way to not go crazy by the end of it. Being prepared mentally is a challenge in and of itself! Are your babies and toddlers going to be perfect little angels the entire time you are out? No way! Where's the fun in that?

I know you see Betty at Target with her 3 very quiet, very "well-behaved" children and you wonder why your kids aren't being like Betty's. Well, let me tell you, Betty's kids are on the verge of a meltdown themselves, you just weren't there at the right time and place when it went down, and it went down BIG time!

But, let's be serious for a minute. Babies and toddlers alike, going into the big world can be really scary. There's so many new people, new colors, new lighting, new sounds, new smells, new feels and the list goes on and on. And then Barb has the audacity to put her face in your toddler's face to innocently tell them how cute their tutu is, which your kid doesn't even give two flying ducks about what she's saying. All she cares about is some strange lady that smells like moth balls and cinnamon is in her bubble and talking straight at her. No thank you!

That has to be so stimulating for a young child and they aren't going to come to you and say, "Mom, I'm a little intimidated right now and I would really like to go back home where I feel comfortable and know my environment better. Thank you for understanding." No. They are going to scream, or cry, or throw themselves on the ground, or they are even going to want to be held the entire time. Which is understandable but like... Mama's gotta get stuff and pay for stuff and Mommy needs two hands to do it.

These feelings can carry over when they are in the car. Plus, they are strapped in and can't control their own body and likely facing backwards so they can't even see where they are being taken to or how they are getting there. That would be frustrating to any adult, so I imagine it could cause a baby or toddler some high emotions as well. Something that could help is making the car a second "living" space. Make it as comfortable and engaging as possible to help relax your babe.

What can you do mentally to prepare for this endeavor? Lower your standards REALLY low. Don't think that because your two year old did really good in the car and at the store last week that they are going to mirror that behavior every week. That was just a really good day and I hope you took a mental note of it because it might not happen again for a while! Honestly though, if you expect the worse to happen, then anything shy of that you'll be able to handle. That doesn't make it easy by no means. It's actually really hard to keep your cool and push through those moments, allowing your child age appropriate responses to things they have no control over. But, it can be done. And once you get back to the car for the ride home, you'll want to take that deep breath and hope that your child is doing the same.

How can we accomplish this? Well, that's the physical part of preparing. There are 7 essentials for driving in the car with your littles and read until the end for some bonus items as well!

1. Car Seat

This one is pretty obvious. You'll need a car seat if you plan on taking your baby or toddler anywhere. For older infants and toddlers I definitely recommend getting a rotating car seat! They make life so much easier mainly just for mom/dad/caregiver. Honestly, whatever car seat is comfortable for your child and meets safety standards for your area and your child's height and weight will do. Get the best car seat that your bank account will allow.

I usually use an infant car seat until about 4-5 months of age just for the convenience. Baby falls asleep a lot when they are under 4 months and sometimes it's easier to leave them sleeping while getting errands done. Once baby is able to hold their head and body up enough to sit in a cart or be carried easily with one arm, I will usually switch to a convertible car seat. This frees up space in the house and makes one less heavy thing to carry in and out of the house.

2. Mirror and Camera

Your child is going to be rear facing for at least two years if not longer. In that time, you will want to be able to see your child while in the car and without comprising safety. And do I have the product for you!

Let me first start by saying, when I was first introduced to this idea by my girls' mom, I told her I didn't think it was necessary and it was a waste of money. But boy was I wrong! This camera gives you a very clear picture of your little one day or night and you never have to look in your rear view mirror or look behind you. I love the peace of mind of watching my girls while watching the road.

You can even get two rear facers in the picture if you angle the camera right. The camera is great, for us. Your baby will still enjoy having a mirror to look at themselves or to watch Mommy in the rearview when angled correctly. So, I recommend having the camera for the driver, and the mirror for baby's entertainment.

3. Car Toys

Toys in the car are a must for kids. If you don't want to do tablets, I don't blame you. I personally don't allow my toddler to have a tablet in the car unless we're going on a longer road trip. Then, all bets go out the window and whatever makes you happy works for me. But for short rides, I would rather my child not NEED to depend on a device to get them from point A to point B. That's just my preference.

The toys can be as obnoxious as you make them, but here are some that don't make much noise at all. A busy board usually offers a couple different pages of items to just tinker with, such as buttons, wheels, gears, shoe laces, and more. This one even has a velcro puzzle which could be a cause of headache if the pieces get lost, but is otherwise a very good idea.

Wooden pull toys are engaging for babies that are learning how to pull objects out of other objects. You'll know this is right for you if you now have to guard the wipes with your life so the toddler doesn't spread the entire bag across the house.

A doodle pad is also a great option for toddlers that are a little older and enjoy drawing. The pad makes this a mess free art toy so that's cool.

Sensory toys are usually a nice quiet toy that babies and toddlers can fiddle with or chew on depending on what stage they are in. I really like this one from Baby Einstein because it has a little bit of everything. The girls seem to be entertained for a car ride or two before cycling to a different toy.

I do have a few other toys that are battery operated and sometimes loud. I let the girls play with them when they want to but occasionally I do want to throw them out the window. Thankfully they have off switches because they'll go off while just sitting in the car and not being played with. So, if this is something you think will be too much for you to handle while driving, I would just stick to the toys above or similar.

One last item for car toys, if you don't want them rolling around your car all the time, I suggest getting a seat back organizer. You can keep other items in here as well such as face wipes for when you've left the house with a messy child. I try my best to clean my girls up after each meal, but somehow, their face always looks like they just ate a big plate of Italian food! I just wipe them down before going into stores.

4. Diapers, wipes, clothes, etc

I know, I know, you have a diaper bag for all this, right? Well, let me tell you this. That back pack or bag is a pain in the tuchus. Hauling around your baby and toddler and the bag for both is just a lot to handle. I have been so much happier and hands freer with a car tote instead of a bag. I have a small bag in the tote if I am going to Meemaw's house and I don't want to run out to the car when my child needs changed. Other than that, honestly, where am I going

without my car? No where.

My car tote has everything the back pack would have. For my one year old, I have diapers and wipes, a change clothes, and pajamas. For my two year old, I have a change of clothes with an extra pair of pants and extra undies. I also have her travel potty and a roll of TP because she refuses to use public bathrooms.

My car tote also has some car appropriate snack which brings me to the next essential.

5. Snacks

This topic is controversial for some people. Some moms will tell you that snacks should never be allowed in the car for the risk of choking. Okay, well, there's a risk of choking at home too and my kid has to eat at some point. In all honesty, yes, babies definitely shouldn't have snacks because of how leaned back they are in their seat. They don't have the head and neck support down yet and they likely aren't even on solids yet. Babies are also usually on a decent schedule when it comes to feedings so it's easier to feed right before or after the car ride.

Toddlers on the other hand are a different story. Just because they refused to eat breakfast doesn't mean you can wait around the house all day until they decide it is time to eat. If you need to get in the car and go, you can't be waiting on a toddler or you'll never get anywhere. And at the exact moment you start pulling out of the driveway, that sweet little angel will be starving and blaming you for not bringing food. So, yes, to keep the peace, I keep car appropriate snacks with us at all times.

What are car appropriate snacks? Well, just because I let my kids eat in the car doesn't mean I'm not concerned about them choking. I usually have items such as cheerios, baby cheetos, baby puffs, teething crackers, regular crackers, and freeze dried yogurt drops. All of these foods are easily dissolvable and perfect for the car.

I either use this little tray to feed snacks in or I just put snacks in one cup holder and the drink in the other. Even though this tray is very handy, the picture shows fruit snacks and that's definitely not on the approved car snack list for this mama. Just so ya know!

6. Drink

To go along with the snack, you of course need a drink. I also hate going anywhere without my water bottle because I hate being thirsty and not having anything to drink. I'm sure it is the same for kids! Plus, a toddler that is miserable over something as simple as a drink is just not worth it to me.

My absolute favorite cups for toddlers are the Zak! cups and the Contigo bottles. These cups are by far the best leak-proof cups I've ever had and I've purchased more than I'm willing to admit searching for one that actually doesn't leak. Most cups that claim to be "leak-proof" or "spill proof" work for maybe a month or two and then start leaking. It's ridiculous! Not these two brands though! My children have had theirs for over a year and never is there any leaks.

I really like the Contigo cups for when we go into restaurants or we're going to the park because you can close the straw and not expose it to whatever nasties are around. Plus, the kids really like to push the button although it is a little tough for them to close it themselves.

7. LifeVac

My very last car essential is the Lifevac. If you have never heard of this life-saving device before, you need to stop what you are reading and buy one right now. If you don't buy anything else mentioned in this post, at the very least get this. This device has a shocking 100% success rate of saving the life of someone who is choking. It can be used on kids and adults and you should have one with you everywhere you go.

I have one in my house and in my car which again, where do I go without my car? I always know where one is and how far away it is especially when we're eating out. The lifevac could not only save your child but could also save someone else's child or even an adult if you are at the right place at the right time.

I am not paid to try to sell you this either. Choking causes a death to one child every 5 days and most of those children are under 3 years old. So, having two children under 3 makes me a paranoid mama.

Having this simple device gives me so much piece of mind. Just because I have it doesn't mean I don't try to be as safe as possible though. I still make sure to follow all of the safety measures for my girls according to their age. I try to prevent the emergency still but knowing that I have something that could save my child's life is definitely worth it.

Bonus Items

Those 7 essentials are the foundation for keeping my kids happy in the car as much as possible. There are a few more bonus items that aren't necessary for all, but could still be nice to have.

Mini Trash Can

Having a trash can is a great bonus. My car was always in pristine condition before I had kids. Nowadays... my car is a constant mess and it drives me crazy. Having a trash bin in the car is a great way to keep trash off the floor and keep my car just a little tidier.

Seat Cover

A car-seat seat cover is great for keeping sticky messes and stains off the actual seat of your car. I don't understand how everything gets so sticky and gross, but I would rather it be on a cover that I can replace rather than my permanent seat. It also acts as a great crumb catcher making vacuuming much easier on the off chance I get to take my car to the car wash.

I also like that it protects the back of the seat from rear-facing feet that are dusty or muddy or snowy. I still have two rear-facers and in the winter time I'll slide their boots off so their car seat doesn't get all wet. Living in Montana, the snow can be packed on their boots pretty good. Even weather aside, constant kicking little feet can cause the seat to be worn and get tears. So I'm glad I have the seat protectors for all reasons.

Window Covers

When I was pregnant with my now two-year-old, I put on my baby registry these window shades to protect her skin and eyes from the sun. I used them religiously until I got my Subaru Ascent which has built in, retractable sun shades. Very few cars have this feature, so this is a great option to keep baby safe and comfortable.

They are super easy to use, you just slide them over your car door window while the door is open and they provide two extra layers of sun protection. My favorite part was that it covered the ENTIRE window not just a little square of it. Since the one layer is outside, they do fade from sun exposure and they are exposed to the other elements. Once faded, I just washed them and flipped them so that the sun damaged side was on the inside of the vehicle. And they are fairly cheap, so you can purchase more whenever.

Unbuckle Tool

This is a nice little tool to have especially if you have long nails or poor hand strength. The convertible car seats are a little easier to unbuckle, but those infant car seats are pretty difficult! This little tool makes it easy for anyone to unbuckle baby(except baby). If you have a grandparent watching your kids, they might really appreciate having this tool. It just slide over the red button of the buckle and creates a larger surface area to push down on to easily unbuckle them.

And that's it! I really hope this list helps you guys take your babies and toddlers places without losing your mind. We really need to be able to get things done or enjoy a simple car ride and it would be great if the kids were happy and not screaming their heads off the whole time. Obviously, they are young and we can't control everything. So, sometimes, we just have to roll with the punches and do what we can. But, if one of these essentials helps you have a happier tot, then I have done my job.

Give them a try and let me know what helped you the most. Also, tell me some of the other things you have found that helps keep the peace in the car! I can't wait to hear from you all. Happy and safe travels!

*This post contains affiliate links, meaning I could make a small commission if you use a link to purchase a product at no extra cost to you!

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