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My Story

Hello RMO Fam!
Image of me and about me

Hi there! My name is Karli and I am just your average mom out here saving sanity and pocketbooks one post at a time.


Wait... Did I read that right?


You sure did!! Are you the type of person that loves shopping online but hates that you can't hold or see the product first? Are you about to purchase something for your new addition to the family or your toddler that is currently pulling at your jeans for a snack, but you aren't sure if it is the right fit?


Jeans? What are those? My toddler is currently pulling at my sweat pants. I haven't worn jeans in years.


Well, that's okay, my only pair of jeans are jeggings so... Anyways. What I am trying to get at is: if you are a parent that buys stuff for your little one and you would like to read real, honest reviews of how those products work in the average setting, THEN YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE!

Imagine this... You are pregnant for the first time ever. The year is 2020. The world is shut down(thanks to COVID). You are forced to shop online for every single thing you buy your newborn. You can't feel it, can't push it around the store, and you don't know if it's really bubble gum pink or if it is going to show up salmon pink(which really won't match your nursery decor.) All you can do is rely on reviews from others that came before you.


The issue is a good number of "product reviews" is really just explaining the product and how it works. I want to read personable reviews. Ones that tell you what they like and what they really did not like about the product. They need to be honest to be helpful and that, folks, is what I am here for!


My daughter is my number one passion. Writing reviews for other parents to benefit from comes in at number two... or so...


Really? Writing reviews is your passion right after your daughter?


Well, sure, you're right. I have a lot in my life to be thankful for and many people/things/activities that make me happy. But, writing and helping people... Yes! I am passionate about that!


As many moms and dads can agree, our spare time is limited. Currently, I work part-time as a veterinary technician at an emergency clinic. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE that job! Medically taking care of animals is exciting and rewarding! However, it is also exhausting and mentally draining at times.


Since I had my daughter, I've been lucky enough to get to stay home with her five days a week. And though I would rather be with her 24/7, taking on a different role can be a nice change of pace.


I thrive when an emergency comes through the door and needs immediate all-hands-on-deck attention to save its life. I can be laser focused and whip out my best skills to get the job done. Being one of the lead technicians, I am responsible for the care and safety of each patient and responsible for the employees for that shift. So basically.... I am the mom at work too!


My most important job, of course, is being the best mom I can be to my spunky almost two-year-old, and co-mom to my bonus babies, ages 11 months and 10 years old! Essentially, I am home with three girls most of the time and we're making the absolute best of it!


Did I also mention I live in one of the most beautiful places? Montana! I'll admit, I don't always love living here, mostly because it's freezing for a good 6 months out of the year if not more. But, I can't deny that it is also so beautiful... all four seasons are pretty amazing to see. For us parents, the only downside is keeping our children entertained indoors for months at a time.


You live in Montana! Your kids can play outside in the snow if they wear the right gear!


Sure, yeah, we can throw them out in the snow in a snow suit, but that lasts maybe 10 minutes? And it takes about 20 minutes to put all the gear on, another 10 minutes to take the gear off, and 3 weeks to put the gear away. So, it isn't always worth it!


Still, we do live in a great place with lots of outdoor stuff to do and we try to make the best of that.


The shopping here isn't the greatest. We don't have a ton of big box stores, and hardly any baby or kid stores. Which means we travel to do our shopping or we do it online. This Montana momma spends a lot of time on Amazon! Hence, why I need good reviews to read! But, instead, I'll write them myself and share them all with you!


Now it's time for you to take a look around. You'll find some great products on this site that you might have been looking at and would like more input on. Or, you could learn about a product you never knew about before! Let's make educated purchases together. Leave me a comment or question below!

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